Generative AI and intellectual property

Generative AI and intellectual property

We’ve been talking about intellectual property in one way or another for at least the last five hundred years, and each new wave of technology or creativity leads to new kinds of arguments. We invented performance rights for composers and we decided that photography - ‘mechanical reproduction’ - could be protected as art, and in the 20th century we had to decide what to think about everything from recorded music to VHS to sampling....

Published in · by Benedict Evans · 9 min read · August 28, 2023
Nvidia just took two H100 cards and glued them together

Nvidia just took two H100 cards and glued them together

GTC Nvidia’s strategy for capitalizing on generative AI hype: glue two H100 PCIe cards together, of course. At GTC this week, Nvidia unveiled a new version of its H100 GPU, dubbed the H100 NVL, which it says is ideal for inferencing large language models like ChatGPT or GPT4. And if it looks like two H100 PCIe cards stuck together, that’s because that’s exactly what it is. (Well, it’s got faster memory too, more on that later....

Published in · by Tobias Mann · 4 min read · August 1, 2023
Introducing Adept

Introducing Adept

Adept is an ML research and product lab building general intelligence by enabling people and computers to work together creatively. We believe that AI systems should be built with users at the center — our vision is one where machines work together with people in the driver’s seat: discovering new solutions, enabling more informed decisions, and giving us more time for the work we love. Machine learning has seen more progress in the last five years than in the prior 60....

Published in · by David Luan · 5 min read · July 8, 2023