Stability AI is thrilled to announce StableStudio , the open-source release of our premiere text-to-image consumer application DreamStudio . StableStudio marks a fresh chapter for our imaging pipeline and showcases Stability AI’s dedication to advancing open-source development within the AI ecosystem.

Stability AI Releases StableStudio, the Open Source Future of DreamStudio

Stability AI Releases StableStudio, the Open Source Future of DreamStudio

Since the original release of Stable Diffusion , DreamStudio has served as Stability AI’s primary interface for its new models and features. Most recently, it was upgraded to use SDXL , our latest image generation model. The application was first conceived as a platform to bring generative AI capabilities to the masses. Since then, millions of images have been created by its users.

Stability AI Releases StableStudio, the Open Source Future of DreamStudio

We believe the best way to expand upon that impressive reach is through open, community-driven development rather than a private iteration of a closed-source product.

StableStudio: A New Home for Open-Source Collaboration

Stability AI Releases StableStudio, the Open Source Future of DreamStudio

Our goal is to work with the broader community to create a world class user interface for generative AI which users fully control . Although DreamStudio will remain Stability’s hosted StableStudio implementation, we aim to foster a project which can outpace anything developed by a single company.

Expanding StableStudio’s Capabilities

DreamStudio was first imagined as an animation studio for Disco Diffusion. Focus shifted toward image generation with the imminent arrival of Stable Diffusion in the summer of 2022. Our goal of creating a great multi-modal experience for generative AI has endured. To that end, we’ll be working on releasing our upcoming chat interface within the StableStudio project.

Help Shape the Future of StableStudio

Stability AI Releases StableStudio, the Open Source Future of DreamStudio

From enabling local-first development to experimenting with a new plugin system , we’ve tried hard to make things extensible for external developers. In addition to moving our active development into the public repository, we plan to create bounties for improvements and new features. Here are a few things we’d be excited to support…

The release of StableStudio reiterates Stability AI’s commitment to open-source and transparency. We’re eager to see what the community will create. If you’re interested in getting involved, check out the README .