A New Chat Bot Is a ‘Code Red’ for Google’s Search Business

A New Chat Bot Is a ‘Code Red’ for Google’s Search Business

Over the past three decades, a handful of products like Netscape’s web browser, Google’s search engine and Apple’s iPhone have truly upended the tech industry and made what came before them look like lumbering dinosaurs. Three weeks ago, an experimental chat bot called ChatGPT made its case to be the industry’s next big disrupter. It can serve up information in clear, simple sentences, rather than just a list of internet links....

Published in www.nytimes.com · by Cade Metz, Nico Grant · 7 min read · August 16, 2023
Privacy campaigners file new evidence to support claims that Google unlawfully profiles internet users

Privacy campaigners file new evidence to support claims that Google unlawfully profiles internet users

Campaigners claim that Google keeps non-GDPR compliant files on internet users’ ethnicity, health, ethnicity and sexual orientation Privacy campaigners have provided what they say is new evidence to back-up their claims that internet giant Google is not complying with the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Google, however, has denied the new claims. The evidence backs up complaints originally filed to three data protection authorities across the EU in September, suggesting that Google and other online advertising auction companies “unlawfully profile internet users’ religious beliefs, ethnicities, diseases, disabilities, and sexual orientation”....

Published in www.computing.co.uk · by Graeme Burton · 3 min read · August 16, 2023
Finally, a Machine That Can Finish Your Sentence

Finally, a Machine That Can Finish Your Sentence

Nicolas Ortega In August, researchers from the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence, a lab based in Seattle, unveiled an English test for computers . It examined whether machines could complete sentences like this one: On stage, a woman takes a seat at the piano. She a) sits on a bench as her sister plays with the doll. b) smiles with someone as the music plays. c) is in the crowd, watching the dancers....

Published in www.nytimes.com · by Cade Metz · 6 min read · August 16, 2023
CIO Insights: The robots are coming

CIO Insights: The robots are coming

Image: We’re in the early days of generative AI, but the advancements are coming thick and fast Recently I visited the Tiptree Jam Museum, home of more spreadable sweetness than even the most wide-eyed child could handle. Middle age has arrived. But while I was (unexpectedly) enjoying the history of preserves, something else was washing around the back of my mind: how many people had been put out of business by technical advancements over the centuries the factory had been in operation....

Published in www.computing.co.uk · by Tom Allen · 3 min read · August 16, 2023
Low Code vs. No Code

Low Code vs. No Code

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor and Statistics, we will see a 20% rise in the need for developers between 2022 and 2030. In a blog post , Leo Brufal , sales operations manager of custom software company Codelitt , speculates as to why this is taking place. His post cites IT projects over budget and behind schedule as the need for low-code/no-code platforms. But I also think they exist engineers like to build them....

Published in thenewstack.io · by Jessica Wachtel · 4 min read · August 16, 2023
Automating creativity

Automating creativity

The core irony of generative AIs is that AIs were supposed to be all logic and no imagination. Instead we get AIs that make up information, engage in (seemingly) emotional discussions, and which are intensely creative. And that last fact is one that makes many people deeply uncomfortable. To be clear, there is no one definition of creativity, but researchers have developed a number of flawed tests that are widely used to measure the ability of humans to come up with diverse and meaningful ideas....

Published in www.oneusefulthing.org · by Ethan Mollick · 9 min read · August 16, 2023
ChatGPT gets code questions wrong 52% of the time • The Register

ChatGPT gets code questions wrong 52% of the time • The Register

ChatGPT, OpenAI’s fabulating chatbot, produces wrong answers to software programming questions more than half the time, according to a study from Purdue University. That said, the bot was convincing enough to fool a third of participants. The Purdue team analyzed ChatGPT’s answers to 517 Stack Overflow questions to assess the correctness, consistency, comprehensiveness, and conciseness of ChatGPT’s answers. The US academics also conducted linguistic and sentiment analysis of the answers, and questioned a dozen volunteer participants on the results generated by the model....

Published in www.theregister.com · by Thomas Claburn · 6 min read · August 16, 2023
A small team of student AI coders beats Google’s machine-learning code

A small team of student AI coders beats Google’s machine-learning code

A gridded image collage of thousands of photographs Andrej Karpathy Students from Fast.ai , a small organization that runs free machine-learning courses online, just created an AI algorithm that outperforms code from Google’s researchers, according to an important benchmark. Fast.ai’s success is important because it sometimes seems as if only those with huge resources can do advanced AI research. Fast.ai consists of part-time students keen to try their hand at machine learning—and perhaps transition into a career in data science....

Published in www.technologyreview.com · by Will Knight · 3 min read · August 16, 2023
Google's Web Integrity API branded 'attack on the open web'

Google's Web Integrity API branded 'attack on the open web'

Image: Google wants to remove bots from the web, but the technical community says its approach is “completely unethical" A working draft specification for a new browser API from Google has raised outcry from the technical community about ethics, trust and adding DRM to the internet. The Web Environment Integrity API (WEI) is not a heavily promoted project - the documentation is only hosted on an employee’s personal Github account , rather than an official repo - but there are signs that Google is actively working to build the feature into Chrome now....

Published in www.computing.co.uk · by Tom Allen · 4 min read · August 16, 2023
Low-Code Platform Adoption Gets a Boost from Digital Transformation

Low-Code Platform Adoption Gets a Boost from Digital Transformation

How do you feel about platforms that promise to deliver apps without coding? If you express some negative sentiment, then you’re like two-thirds of the customers Progress Software surveyed last year. Despite the bad feelings, a review of recent surveys shows that use of low-code platforms has increased and will continue to do so in the near future. The main reason is that the platforms kill two birds with one stone — they address long-standing development challenges that are holding back company-wide digital transformation efforts....

Published in thenewstack.io · by Lawrence E Hecht · 6 min read · August 16, 2023